mardi 26 avril 2011

forex trading

Forex Trading


Forex Broker: Choosing the right Forex Broker - Sometimes it's hard to make a decision on which Forex broker to open our trading account, there are just too many of them. Most of them have different features, capabilities, weaknesses and advantages, for this reason I have created a checklist that can help you decide the broker to use in your Forex adventure. Read more.
Forex Strategy: Trading with Stochastics - Stochastics are amongst the most popular technical indicators when it comes to Forex Trading. Unfortunately most traders use them incorrectly. In this article we will review the correct way to use this popular technical indicator. Read more.
How to take a Loss - There are quite a few books written on how to make money in the market. Some of them are even written by people who have made money as traders! What you don't see often, however, are books or articles written on how to lose money. Read more.
Forex Trading Systems: Mechanical Vs. Discretionary Systems - Discover the differences between mechanical and discretionary Forex trading systems. Find out which approach fits you better. Read more.
Forex Training: What to Look for in a Forex Training Program - If you are looking for a Forex training program, this article will help you choose the best program for you. This checklist will help you choose a better provider. Read more.
Trading Psychology: Mistakes in a Trading Environment - Most traders correlate mistakes with the outcome of any given trade. This article will help you with your mistakes from a trading psychology perspective. Read more.
Pivot Points in Forex: Mapping Your Time Frame - This article will help you determine the trend with accuracy. We use this information to trade our trading system. This is an alternative way to use Forex pivot points. Read more.
Main Drawbacks of Forex Traders - Discover the most common mistakes forex traders are likely to make. Once you become aware of these mistakes, you are more likely to avoid them. Read more.
Things You Should Know About Forex Trading - If you are new to the Forex market, read this article, it explains Forex trading as it is. Read more.
Forex Trading: The Perfect Forex Trading System - Incorporating price behavior into your trading systen as an important component will help you achieve better results. At the end, the price dictates how every technical indicator should behave. Read more.
Currency Trading: Understanding the Basics of Currency Trading - Beginners should read this article, it explains the basics of currency trading: margin, pips, leverage, etc. Read more.
A quick Forex guide for Traders - Starting out your Trading journey? Read this interesting article about the best way to test your trading system. A simple Forex trading guide for beginners. Read more.
Deadly Forex Mistakes that Assure Failure - This article explains the most costly mistakes Forex traders are likely to make. Some of these mistakes are the single most important cause of failure. Read more.

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